Monday, November 2, 2009

19/365 - New Glasses

New Glasses

Our new eyeglasses (ordered online from Zenni Optical, in the middle of October) showed up in our mailbox on Saturday. Since the frames we chose were so affordable, we decided to splurge and order three pair each. As I mentioned on my regular (but lately neglected) blog, this is the first time I've had new glasses since Donald was here visiting for the first time. (Summer 1998? I'm not the best at remembering dates. . .) As you can see in today's photo, the extravagance of having three new sets of specs all at the same time has left me slightly unhinged. ;o)

Well, ok, I just thought it would be a more fun way to show the new glasses than staring straight into the camera (or using my customary "looking up into the camera to minimize those extra pounds" pose). But if you want a better look at the glasses themselves, I have photos of all but one pair on my Flickr photostream. (One was left out because Donald was wearing them. If you're absolutely desperate to see that pair-- and, really, why wouldn't you be?-- you can see them in the photo of him playing guitar.)

The photos aren't all perfectly focused.  Some could use some more tweaking to get the color just right, but it's good enough.  (I'm tired, and there are Things to do.) 

Oh, and I also converted this photo to sepia and b&w.  I think I may actually prefer the sepia to this version, but I decided I'd done enough b&w / sepia lately.  (And considering the subject matter, there's not that much difference between the original and sepia, anyway.)

Editing: Kind of hard to explain. Basically the same as usual (cropping, resizing, adjusting for light and color, etc.), but the biggest part of editing today was putting the various photos together into a whatever-this-is.  (Mosaic?)

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