Monday, January 18, 2010

93/365 - Kicking the Coke Can

93/365 - Coke Can

(Note: I'm late uploading about three days of photos, but for what it's worth, I did take each on the day it's assigned to. . .)

I'm making an effort to stop drinking so much cola (or coke, soda, soft drink-- depending on where you grew up). It's one of those things that I turn to for a pick-me-up (and because they just taste so good). Unfortunately, I don't need those extra calories (and whatever else is in my favorite drinks).

Once you're out of the habit, it's not something you miss that often (though I have to be careful about letting the habit sneak back up on me, as it's done in the past). I've cut coke out of my life before-- stopped drinking them except for special occasions and the occasional eating out. I think I had a day of headache, back then, when I weaned myself off the ol' sugar water-- a common symptom of caffeine withdrawal. I'm not sure why, but this time there was just a twinge of headache-- no worse than what I'd had the day or two before, when I was still getting my one or two cans a day. Just lucky this time, maybe.

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